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History of Teff

Teff is thought to have originated circa 4000 BC. Its seeds were found in an Egyptian pyramid that dates to approximately 3300 BC. In fact, teff was so revered 55 centuries ago, they placed with pharaoh’s in pyramids as their “last food.”

Supposedly, the name Teff is derived from the Amhraic word “Teffa”, which means “lost”, to show that it is something difficult to trace. Again, Teff is the tiniest known grain in the world.

Barley, a Nutritional Powerhouse

As cereal grains go, barley is a winner when it comes to good nutrition. This centuries-old grain is packed with fiber, contains important vitamins and minerals, is slim on fat, and, like all plant products, cholesterol-free. Here’s a closer look:

Barley is a great source of dietary fiber and actually contains both soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber is effective in lowering blood cholesterol and can reduce the risk of heart disease.