The ancient art of making pasta from durum wheat semolina has a very long tradition in Gragnano. The history of pasta on the “magic” hill …

All you want to know about flour
The ancient art of making pasta from durum wheat semolina has a very long tradition in Gragnano. The history of pasta on the “magic” hill …
Early prospects point to a likely decline of 1.5 percent in global cereal production in 2015 from the previous year’s record. Based on the conditions …
….Chinese? Arab? Italian? The dispute over who really has the right to declare himself “inventor” of pasta is ancient. It all depends on what you mean talking …
Wheat production is concentrated in a few countries, even if wheat plant is very robust and can adapt to a quite different environmental conditions. The …
What are the main wheat producing countries in the world? Everybody, once in a lifetime, has wondered it. Generally, we can say that wheat does …